Trusted partner for the NHS and wider healthcare community
We are your one stop shop for medicines optimisation, medication terminology, and prescribing decision support. Our solutions are live in every ICS, helping to maximise patient safety and enhance clinical efficiency whilst also directly saving the NHS over £450 million to date… and counting.
Informaticists producing context-specific actionable content
Whether you are looking to proactively improve the safety and effectiveness of medicines for individual patients or to improve adherence to best practice at scale, our solutions empower healthcare professionals by targeting the right information at the right user at the right point in the workflow.
Integrating solutions into clinical systems since the earliest days
We have been a trusted partner for clinical system providers for over 40 years, delivering market-leading prescribing decision support that drives measurable impact in a range of settings, including: primary care, secondary care, community pharmacy, mental health services and more.