FDB Multilex

The UK’s leading drug database and e-prescribing decision support solution
The UK’s most widely used drug database and e-prescribing decision support solution.

Comprehensive and independent medications information used in over 10,000 sites

With over 30 years’ experience, FDB has built long-standing partnerships with the leading clinical system vendors. Multilex integrates into existing workflow and is used at the point of care as a trusted e-prescribing decision support tool. Integrating the Multilex drug database with an electronic patient record enables context-specific drug knowledge and enhanced functionality that helps to reduce prescribing errors.


Decision Support
Drug Interactions
Decision Support
Drug-Disease Interactions
Decision Support
Duplicate Therapies
Decision Support
Dosing Support
Decision Support
Drug Identification
medical books in hospital
From our clinicians to yours

Multilex has been designed and built by UK clinicians and is maintained by a team of in-house clinical experts, pharmacists and a dedicated integration team, all based in the UK.


Improve Patient Safety

Multilex integrates into electronic patient record (EPR) and e-prescribing systems to support active clinical checking against a patient’s medication record. This integration gives clinical staff the support and information required to safely prescribe the most appropriate medications. The real-time clinical alerts and warnings highlighted within the e-prescribing process assist in reducing the risk of medical errors.


Reduce Dosing Errors

Multilex includes predefined, patient-specific, dose order sentences that can be used to help reduce over and under-dosing. The intelligent dose algorithm uses patient data such as age, weight, body surface area to determine appropriate drug doses. Multilex enables in-built checks of doses before the prescription is confirmed (including dose range check and cumulative dose check) to ensure that the risk of medication dose error is reduced.

Improve Clinical Efficiency

The Multilex drug database is reviewed, updated and interpreted by an in-house team of clinical pharmacists and researchers, ensuring fully quality checked, evidence-based medicines information. Integrating Multilex into an e-Prescribing and Medicines Administration (ePMA) system delivers this information to the point of care, enabling faster medication checks and giving busy clinical staff the confidence they are using current medicines guidance.


Ensure Interoperability

Multilex facilitates interoperability between systems by integrating a wide range of clinical terminologies including the NHS Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d) and SNOMED CT. Multilex also includes the medication data structure and barcode information that underpins a closed-loop e-Prescribing and Medicines Administration (ePMA) system.

A clinical decision support solution that works for:

Primary Care
Integrated with TPP SystmOne, enabling e-Prescribing Decision Support for thousands of GP Practices in the UK.
Secondary Care
Supporting e-Prescribing, Clinical Decision Support, EPR and dm+d compliance data. Multilex also includes barcode information that underpins a Closed-Loop ePMA system.
Read Our Case Study
Mental Health
Providing support to clinicians within prescribing and administration events, and helping to guide and support clinical decisions within often complex prescribing situations.
Read Our Case Study
Out of Hours

Used by e-prescribing systems that are specialised for use in Out of Hours and Urgent Care settings, providing trusted information to help support prescribing.

Community Pharmacy
A key component within dispensing and medicines reviews, Multilex underpins many dispensing solutions and supports endorsing and reimbursement processes.
Health Insurance
Integrated into medical claims software solutions to facilitate drug utilisation review and support drug claims processing.
Mobile Health Apps
Multilex partners with web-based applications and mobile apps via a web API, providing trusted and consumable data for app developers to use.

What our customers say:

Giving healthcare professionals instant access to trusted information on any drug.
Pharmacist using tablet
FDB FirstLight® Drug Browser

FIRSTLight is an authoritative, web-based, point of care drug information tool. With a modern, intuitive user interface and powerful search functionality, FIRSTLight makes it quick and easy to find clinical drug information. This is a stand-alone solution which can be used whether there is a clinical system in place or not.

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