Interoperability Solutions

We strive to enable the easy transfer of drug knowledge between healthcare settings.

Interoperability – or the lack thereof - across healthcare settings is a genuine issue in the healthcare space, as highlighted in the National Information Board (NIB) framework:  Personalised Health and Care 2020 Using Data and Technology to Transform Outcomes for Patients.   The report recognises that some healthcare IT solutions lack the capability to share information with other care professionals and the NIB sets out its aim to build on available infrastructures in order to extract, collect, store and transmit data. Secondary care practitioners face daily challenges with disparate data, including having to hand transcribe medication they have administered and pass on to colleagues.  With many hospitals using a number of electronic solutions in different areas, it can be difficult to provide the ‘glue’ to join them together.


FDB provides drug knowledge that is integrated within our customers’ clinical systems and strives to enable the easy transfer of care records between care settings, working with vendors to enable future proofing of solutions. The company prides itself on providing leading edge industry solutions and integrations, and with 30 years’ experience of clinical decision support and drug knowledge base integrations, it can help customers link knowledge and systems together seamlessly. FDB solutions are built to be “platform-neutral” so they can be integrated into a variety of information systems. The company offers several integration options, including API and raw data, and is developing cloud-based technology solutions. 

FDB’s data is coded to facilitate – with the associated technical architecture - the easy transfer of care records between care settings to enable the reduction of medication errors

Towers and Data
FDB’s team of technical experts have the knowledge and expertise to make integrations user friendly

The expertise that FDB offers in maintaining and integrating drug and clinical terminologies and facilitating interoperability between systems across healthcare is widely recognised within the industry, and the ultimate aim of our solutions is to enhance clinical care, patient safety and quality.

Whether you are an established healthcare technology company or a start-up technology company looking to enter the healthcare market, talk to FDB about how we work with partners to transform drug knowledge into actionable and targeted solutions.