Vertis Health PCN drives operational efficiencies within lipid management with AnalyseRx

FDB AnalyseRx is the first solution fully integrated into EMIS Web to help NHS primary care teams proactively identify and easily action medicines optimisation opportunities across a patient population
Using AnalyseRx to highlight these patients improves focus and can often break these seemingly unachievable targets down into smaller chunks. We can make and filter a patient search in just a few clicks, which means a lot less time spent on admin and more time communicating with patients to improve their care.”
Jennie Smith
Pharmacy Technician
Vertis Health PCN

AnalyseRx allows primary care team members to coordinate and manage medicines optimisation opportunities for the benefit of patients, while also driving efficiencies across ICB, PCN and practice level.

A Local Improvement Scheme (LIS) called The Clinical Excellence and Investment Framework (CEIF) was co-designed between NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire ICB, local practices and PCNs to support the delivery of national priorities and services. As part of this framework, the ICB chose FDB’s AnalyseRx to help them optimise medicines, improve patient care and meet the contractual targets laid out in CEIF and other core requirements. FDB then consulted with them to understand regional and local priorities before reviewing national indicators within AnalyseRx that could support CEIF and other core requirements. AnalyseRx was then deployed to all practices within the ICB.

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